Program of the Symposium "Editing the Genomes with CRISPR"
October 19, 2017
13.00 - 13.15: Opening
Ulrike Felt and Melina Kerou (Uni Vienna)
13.15 - 15.00: CRISPR/Cas9: A brief history and potential futures
Moderator: Christa Schleper (Uni Vienna)
- Keynote: Krzysztof Chylinski (Vienna BioCenter)
- Students groups: Cornelius Heimstadt, Logan Hodgkiss, Michael Melcher; Sarah Bieszczad, Anna Müller, Artemis Papadaki-Anastasopoulou, Phoebe Maares and Philipp Weber; Kaya Akyüz, Florian Ebner, Elena Galimberti, Kevin Pfeifer (all Uni Vienna)
15.30-17.00: Round table 1: Genome editing between risk, precaution and ethics
Moderator: Ingrid Metzler (Uni Vienna)
- Jim Dratwa (European Commission), Christiane Druml (Medical University of Vienna, Chair of the Austrian Bioethics Commission), Nikolai Windbichler (Imperial College London) and Kikue Tachibana-Konwalski (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna)
17.30- 19.00: Evening event: CRISPR in society: promises, hopes, and responsibilities
Moderator: Renee Schröder (Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna)
- Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard)
- Stuart Newman (NewYork Medical College)
Followed by wine and cheese
October 20, 2017
9.00 - 9.30: Food for thought: public voices
Ulrike Felt, Sarah Bieszczad and Ingrid Metzler (Uni Vienna)
9.30 - 11.00: Round table 2: Patenting - and what about social justice?
Moderator: Maximilian Fochler (Uni Vienna)
- Shobita Parthasarathy (University of Michigan), Ingrid Kelly (Uni Vienna), Christoph Then (Test Biotech, Munich) and Barbara Prainsack (Uni Vienna)
11.30 - 13.00: Round table 3: Genome editing and the commons: Who takes care?
Moderator: Katerina Anastasiou (transform! europe)
- Giuseppe Testa (European Institute of Oncology, Milan), Alexandra Ribartis (AGES, Vienna), Karin Garber (Open Science, Vienna) and Peter Schlögelhofer (Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna)
Lunch break
14.15 - 16.00: Closing Panel: Envisioning (un-) desirable futures
Moderator: Ulrike Felt (Uni Vienna)
- Heidemarie Porstner (Global 2000), Theodora Kotsaka (transform!europe; Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens), Florian Grebien (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research, Vienna) and Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard)