Felt, U., Fochler, M., & Sigl, L. (2018). IMAGINE RRI. A card-based method for reflecting on responsibility in life science research. Journal of Responsible Innovation Responsible Innovation, online first: https://doi.org/10.1080/23299460.2018.1457402.
Felt, U., Fochler, M., Richter, A., Schroeder, R., & Sigl, L. (2018). How to weave societal responsibility into the fabric of universities. Times Higher Education.
Felt, U. (2018) Responsible research and Innovation. In Hilgartner, S. et al. Handbook for Genomics, Health and Society. (New York: Routledge).
Fochler, M., & Sigl, L. (2018). Anticipatory uncertainty. How researchers in the academic life sciences and biotechnology companies experience and manage the uncertainties of research processes. Science as Culture.
Selkirk, K., Selin, C., & Felt, U. (2018). A Festival of Futures: Recognizing and Reckoning Temporal Complexity in Foresight. In R. Poli (Ed.), Handbook of Anticipation. Cham: Springer.
Sigl, L. and Leisyte, L. (2018). Imaginaries of Invention Management: Comparing Path Dependencies in East and West Germany. Minerva, online first: 13 Feb 2018.
Fochler,M., & De Rijcke, S. (2017). Implicated in the Indicator Game? An Experimental Debate. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 3, 21-40.
Felt, Ulrike (2017) 'The temporal choreographies of participation. Thinking innovation and society from a time-sensitive perspective'. In Chilvers, Jason, and Kearnes, Matthew (eds), Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emergent Publics. (London/New York: Routledge): 178-198.
Felt, U. (2017). Of time-scapes and knowledge-scapes: Re-timing Research and Higher Education. In P. Scott, J. Gallacher, & G. Parry (Eds.), New Landscapes and Languages of Higher Education. (pp. 129-148). Oxford: Oxford University Press. <Download preprint>
Felt, U. (2017). Under the Shadow of Time: Where Indicators and Academic Values Meet. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 3, 53-63.
Felt, U., Schumann, S., & Schwarz-Plaschg, C. (2017). IMAGINE — A card-based discussion method for qualitative research and engagement. In Liamputtong, P. (ed.) Research Methods in Health Social Sciences (Springer)
Felt, U. (2017). „Response-able practices“ or „new bureaucracies of virtue“: The challenges of making RRI work in academic environments. In L. Asveld, M.E.C. van Dam-Mieras, T. Swierstra, S.A.C.M. Lavrijssen, C.A. Linse and J. van den Hoven (eds.) Responsible Innovation 3: A European Agenda? (Springer)
Felt, U., Fochler, M., Müller, R., & Nowotny, H. (2017). Re-imagining and re-legitimising the university – where past and future imaginaries meet. In Austrian Council for Research and Technological Development (Ed.), Prospects and Future Tasks of Universities (pp. 25-42). Zürich: Lit. Verlag.
Felt, U. (2016). Of time-scapes and knowledge-scapes: Re-timing Research and Higher Education. In P. Scott, J. Gallacher, & G. Parry (Eds.), New Landscapes and Languages of Higher Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. <Download preprint>
Felt, U., Igelsböck, J., Schikowitz, A. & Völker, T. (2016). Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research in Practice. Between imaginaries of collective experimentation and entrenched academic value orders. Science, Technology & Human Values, online first. <Download preprint>
Fochler, M. (2016). Beyond and between academia and business: How Austrian biotechnology researchers describe high-tech startup companies as spaces of knowledge production. Social Studies of Science, 46(2), 259-281. doi:10.1177/0306312716629831
Fochler, M. (2016). Variants of Epistemic Capitalism: Knowledge Production and the Accumulation of Worth in Commercial Biotechnology and the Academic Life Sciences. Science, Technology & Human Values, 41(5), 922-948. doi:10.1177/0162243916652224
Fochler, M., Felt, U., & Müller, R. (2016). Unsustainable Growth, Hyper-Competition, and Worth in Life Science Research: Narrowing Evaluative Repertoires in Doctoral and Postdoctoral Scientists’ Work and Lives. Minerva. doi: 10.1007/s11024-016-9292-y
Mayer, K., & Sigl, L. (2016). Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice. oead News (101), 10-12.
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Felt, U. (2014). Within, Across and Beyond: Reconsidering the Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe. Science as Culture, 23(3), 384-396.
Felt, U., Schumann, S., Schwarz, C. G., & Strassnig, M. (2014). Technology of imagination: a card-based public engagement method for debating emerging technologies. Qualitative Research, 14(2), 233-251.
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Felt, U. & Fochler, M. (2013). What science stories do: Rethinking the multiple consequences of intensified science communication. In P. Baranger & B. Schiele (Eds.), Science Communication Today. International perspectives, Issues and Strategies (pp. 75-90). Paris: CNRS Editions.
Felt, U. & Fochler, M. (2012). Re-ordering Epistemic Living Spaces: On the Tacit Governance Effects of the Public Communication of Science. In S. Rödder, M. Franzen and P. Weingart (Eds.), The Sciences' Media Connection – Communication to the Public and its Repercussions. Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook 28 (pp. 133-154). Dortrecht: Springer.
Felt, U. , Fochler, M., & Strassnig, M. (2010). Experimente partizipativer ELSA-Forschung. Eine methodenpolitische Reflexion. In E. Griessler & H. Rohracher (Eds.), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Sonderheft 10/2010: Genomforschung - Politik - Gesellschaft. Perspektiven auf ethische, rechtliche und soziale Apekte der Genomforschung (pp. 33-67). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Felt, U. & Fochler, M. (2010). Riskante Verwicklungen des Epistemischen, Strukturellen und Biographischen: Governance-Strukturen und deren mikropolitische Implikationen für das akademische Leben. In P. Biegelbauer (Ed.), Steuerung von Wissenschaft? Die Governance des österreichischen Innovationssystems. Innovationsmuster in der österreichischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Band 7 (297-328). Innsbruck: StudienVerlag. < Download Reprint >
Felt, U. (Ed.). (2009). Knowing and Living in Academic Research. Convergence and Heterogeneity in Research Cultures in the European Context. Prague: Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.