Dr. Lisa Sigl


Research Platform “Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice”
T: +43 1 4277 26101

Consultation hours:
by arrangement via e-mail


Lisa Sigl is scientific project leader at the Research Platform "Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Academic Practice". Further, she facilitated interdisciplinary research processes and supports reflection of societal and environmental relevance of research practices.

Personal website

Current research interests

  • Transformation of research cultures in relation to their social contexts (focus on public research institutions); particularly regarding relevance to societal and environmental problems
  • Institutional conditions that support relevant research and inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration
  • Methods and tools to facilitate and manage inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations
  • Methods and tools to support societal and environmental relevance of research
  • Processes of subjectification und valuation in research cultures
  • Politics of Innovation and concepts of innovation in historical perspective and in international comparison

Current research projects

Valuing, Being and Knowing in Research Practices. Understanding the entanglements of valuation practices and subjectification processes in life science research (together with Maximilian Fochler and Ruth Falkenberg)

Previous research projects

At TU Wien, Lisa Sigl conducted the pilot project “Responsible Robotics” (2018-2021) to support the reflection of societal and environmental aspects of robotic systems (in collaboration with Marjo Rauhala and the DK "Trust Robots" at the Technical University of Vienna)

As research assistant at the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund (2014-2016) she worked on the research project "University-industry collaboration in high-tech fields" (with a particular focus on Germany). At the intersection of science and technology studies (STS) and Higher Education Studies (HES), she is mainly interested in forms of agency that develop in new governance arrangements for research commercialization (e.g. new IPR-legislation, university-internal regulations).

During her time at the Austrian Institute for international Affairs (oiip) in Vienna, she worked with a broad range of stakeholders (ministries, funding agencies, etc.) within a “Taskforce of the Austrian Government for the Internationalisation of Science and Research Policy”. As head of the research focus “Internationalisation of Science-, Technology and Innovation Policy”, she was amongst others interested in the international comparison of innovation policies and innovation concepts in Europe, China and India.

In her PhD thesis at the Department for Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna, she dealt with the question how young researchers in the life sciences (PhDs, Postdocs) deal with different kinds of uncertainty and precarious working conditions. She combined conceptual approaches of STS and the Labour Studies to open up new perspectives on the transformation of research cultures today. Basis of this work was her collaboration in two research projects on the transformation of scientific research cultures – the FP6-project KNOWING („Knowledge, Institutions and Gender: An East-West Comparative Study“) and the project GOLDII („Die Biowissenschaften als Kultur und Praxis neu denken“) – and a DOC-scholarship of the öaw („Uncertain Research Landscapes“).



VO+UE Wissenschaft – Technologie – Gesellschaft (for Master Students) (TU Wien)

SE Ethics and Responsibility: An Introduction to Responsible Research Practice (for PhD students) (TU Wien)

VU Responsible Research Practice (for Automation and Robotics Master students) (TU Wien)


SE Ethics and Responsibility: An Introduction to Responsible Research Practice (for PhD students) (TU Wien)


233 030/1 VO+KO Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts (University of Vienna)


056.004 WS Ethics and Responsibility. An Introduction to Responsible Research Practice (TU Wien)


233 030/1 VO+KO Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts (University of Vienna)


061.004 UE Responsible Robotics V (TU Wien)


061.004 UE Responsible Robotics III (TU Wien)


233034 VO Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts

233008 UK Innovation, Politik, Gesellschaft

233060 SE Science in Society Labs

061.004 UE Responsible Robotics II (TU Wien)


WTZ-Workshop: ReflACT (for PhD Students)

061.004 UE Responsible Robotics I (TU Wien)


230153 VO Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts

WTZ-Project Workshop: SIS-Maps (for PhD Students)





Showing entries 21 - 31 out of 31


Witjes N, Sigl L. The Internationalization of Science, Technology & Innovation (STI): An Emerging Policy Field at the Intersection of Foreign Policy and Science Policy. In Jansen A, Franzmann A, Münte P, editors, Legitimizing Science: National and Global Publics, 1800-2010. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. 2015. p. 245-272



Sigl L, Heidenwolf C. Scientists as Diplomats!? On the Challenges of Researching International Science, Technology and Innovation Policies. In Günay C, Pospisil J, editors, Global Shifts and Europe (Viennese Contributions to International Affairs 13/14). Facultas. 2013. p. 61-71




Sigl L. Keine Diättherapie ohne Arzt! Zur Etablierung von Diätassistentinnen in Österreich und im "Deutschen Reich" 1933 bis 1945. In Arias I, editor, Im Dienste der Volksgesundheit. Frauen. Gesundheitswesen. Nationalsozialismus. Wien: Verlagshaus der Ärzte. 2006. p. 211-232



Showing entries 21 - 31 out of 31